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EY's Guide to Tax Research and Writing, 8th Edition

Maureen De Lisser, Yves Plante

EY's Guide to Tax Research and Writing, 8th Edition - Ce produit est offert sur les supports suivants: Téléchargement (eBook)

Learn the tax research process, how laws are enacted, and how to communicate your findings to your clients. Written for accountants, lawyers, and other professionals in public practice, industry, education, and government with a basic familiarity with the concepts and principles of Canadian income tax.

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This guide has been prepared to assist readers who wish to become proficient and effective in their tax research.

The chapters of the guide take you through each step in the tax research process, from establishing the facts of a situation to communicating your findings. Appendix 1 outlines the federal and provincial legislative and regulatory process, and Appendix 2 includes a practical reference tool summarizing the steps in the tax research process.

Store entry last updated: May 2021

ISBN : 978-1-5254-0394-1 (ebook)
Date de publication : May 2021
Nombre de pages : 106

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Service d'assistance : Du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 17h HE | 1-866-256-6842 | Écrivez-nous

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